• May 9, 2017
    [full_width][/full_width] 2-Wire is the easiest way to map the part-usage costs of your home or building, 2-Wire makes the resident smart. Just before the beginning of spring, we will come up with a few new energy meters and the new air quality meter. All these modules work either as a...
  • January 3, 2017
    Inland Terminal Veghel located in North Brabant (The Netherlands) is an intermediate storage of, inter alia, cooled and heated intermodal containers. These containers have their own chiller which is at the depot charged with the necessary electrical power. To get overview of consumption and costs some 2-wire energy meters were...
  • October 31, 2016
    [one_fourth] [/one_fourth] The latest firmware for the 2-wire energy data logger Web server is online. In this version are a lot of new functionality for measuring better part of all energy consumption in each building, a brief overview: Measuring EPC value of the property: [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] The 2-wire server reads every minute...
  • June 10, 2016
    "Email notification" is the latest addition to the firmware of the 2-wire energy webserver. This additional functionality provides the ability to set in very simple border levels on each of the 64 maximum loads and as soon as the set limit value is exceeded, this results in a new e-mail...
  • May 9, 2016
    Our website www.-wire.net is now available in three languages: Dutch, French and English. The on-line documentation, we try to make them in 3 languages. To get our products available anywhere there is now also a web shop available. If there are still some unresolved issues or concerns about the website...
  • February 20, 2016
    This year we take part in Batibouw Brussels for the first time. On our last-minute stand we have 2 working 2-Wire systems which we can demonstrate to visualize consume many features of the 2-Wire Web server. Would you like to visit us during the fair you will find us in...
  • December 29, 2015
    Who cheap buy or rent, pays a higher energy bill. That decision estate agency Dewaele Group, based on aanalysis of 4500 transactions. A house of about 200,000 euros or a house with a rent of 500 euros have an average energy level of 500 kWh / m2. "Compared with new...
  • December 12, 2015
    The 2-wire products were presented in preview at the fair Energy 2015 in Den Bosch. Despite a little last-minute trade fair tooth we could still count on a lot of interest. Most of our visitors were not only surprised by the extensive capabilities but especially by the speed with which...
  • December 11, 2015
    On the link below you can download the current 2-Wire pricelist. Ordering at 2-wire is possible via a 2-wire distributor, our web-shop or via email to info@2-wire.be. Orders directly to two-wire, we try where possible, to handle through a local distributor or installer so that you are assured of local...
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