Our various energy monitors and energy meters offer a lot of functionalities, settings, and are sometimes modularly very comprehensive as a system. So in order to serve you as quickly as possible, we recommend that you go through the step-by-step plan below.

Step 1: Consult manual

The manual, found on each product page, provides detailed instructions on installation, operation and troubleshooting. It is advisable to read them carefully before taking further steps.

Besides the manual, there are also a number of video tutorials which go through the operation of our various web servers LoWi3, ReMI and MEMo3 step by step. You may already find some answers here.


Step 2: view FAQ section

Our FAQ section has been specially compiled to provide you with quick answers to frequently asked questions. Here you may already find answers to your questions and solutions to common situations. We encourage you to consult this section before contacting us.


Step 3: First-line support through the installer

The installer is familiar with the specific installation and operation of the product. He can help you with common installation problems, configuration questions and basic operation of the product. Contact your installer and present your question or problem to them. They are often well equipped to assist you directly or refer you to the appropriate source of support.


Step 4: Send us an email with completed questionnaire

Should you still need help after going through the above steps, we are ready to assist you. Please email us at [al@2-wire .be] with the following information:

  • Subject of the problem: Provide a brief description of the problem you need help with.
  • Product Information:
    • Product name
    • Product serial number
    • Purchase date and place of purchase

    • Pdf of the LOWi3/ReMI configuration
      (Press PRINT button in the setup page to generate pdf)
    • Photo of the installation


  • Steps performed: Describe what steps you took, including first-line support through the installer, consulting the manual and the FAQ section.
  • Detailed Description: Please provide a detailed description of the problem you are experiencing.


We strive to provide you with an appropriate solution as soon as possible. Please note that answering your email may take some time, depending on how busy it is. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.


Step 5: Call in service technician.

You can always too:


Thank you for your cooperation and consulting available resources before contacting us.
We are committed to providing you with the best possible support!




Qonnex Support Team

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